


외국인저명학자 초청강연 2

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자   |   작성일15-11-09 14:58   |   조회1,572회


Distinguished Scholar Lecture/저명학자 초청강연 2

Date/일시: 13 November 2015 (Fri.) / 2015 11 13()

Time/시간: 10:00-12:00 / 오전 10-12

Venue/장소: Doosan Humanities Hall (Bldg. no.8), Room 303/ 두산인문관(8) 303

                       Lecture in English/영어로 강연 진행

Speaker/강연자:  Prof. Atsushi Ota (太田淳)/오타 아츠시

                     Graduate School of Letters, Hiroshima University/히로시마대학 大學院文學硏究科

Title/강연제목Trade, Piracy, and Sovereignty: Changing Perceptions of Piracy and Dutch Colonial State Building in West Kalimantan and Riau-Lingga, c. 1780-1830

             무역해적주권해적에 대한 인식 변화와 네덜란드 식민국가 건설: 1780-1830 서부 칼리만탄과 Riau-Lingga


Trade, Piracy, and Sovereignty: Changing Perceptions of Piracy and Dutch Colonial State Building in West Kalimantan and Riau-Lingga, c. 1780-1830

This talk discusses changing relationship between trade, piracy, and sovereignty in the precolonial-to-colonial transition period. In the eighteenth century the Dutch called the rivals of their trade pirates, even when local and British people considered the same people as traders. Malay people had a specific term to refer to piracy, but they never used it for the behaviors of their king. It was justified as a means to find a livelihood for his people.

    However, the Dutch brought a different concept of piracy when they determined to establish their colonial state. Piracy was now considered as enemy of state and free trade. As the Dutch supremacy became more obvious vis-à-vis local states, local rulers gradually changed their concept of piracy, and they came to have clearer concept of territory as space where they had a responsibility to suppress piracy. In these intertwined manners, both Dutch and local rulers crystalized their concepts of sovereignty and territoriality, in strong connection with their attitudes towards piracy.

    강연은 식민지기로의 전환기에 무역해적주권 (개념) 변화하는 관계를 논의한다. 18세기 네덜란드인들은 그들의 무역 경쟁자들을 해적이라 지칭했는데심지어 지역민들과 영국인들이 같은 사람들을 무역상이라 불렀을 때조차 그러했다말레이인들은 해적을 지칭하는 특정한 용어를 지녔지만그들은 왕의 행동에 대해서는 절대  용어를 사용하지 않았다그것(왕의 행동) 그의 백성들의 생계를 위한 방편으로 정당화되었다.

  그러나네덜란드인들은 식민국가를 건설하려고 결심하면서 해적에 대한 다른 개념을 도입했다해적은 이제국가와 자유무역의 적으로 여겨졌다현지 국가들에 대한 네덜란드의 우위가 명확해지면서현지 지배자들도 점차 해적에 대한 그들의 개념을 바꿔갔고그들이 해적을 진압할 의무가 있는 공간” 이라는영토(territory) 대한 명확한 개념을 가지게 되었다이런 상호 관계 속에서 네덜란드인들과 현지 지배자들은 주권과 영토성에 대한개념을 확립해갔고그것은 해적에 대한 그들의 태도와 긴밀한 관련이 있었다.  

Please forward any queries or RSVP via email: alc@snu.ac.kr